Прошедшее совершённое время в английской грамматике

Past Perfect Tense in English Grammar

Past Perfect Tense in English Grammar

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Past perfect — Прошедшее совершенное.

When they arrived, I had repaired it, it was OK.
He remembered that he had already met her before.
We were not hungry. We had just eaten lunch.
They had been to Rome twice when they finally visited Coliseum.
He had read 10 books when we last saw each other.

When they arrived, I had not repaired it. It was still broken.
They didn’t know each other. He had not met her before.
We were hungry. We had not eaten lunch yet.
They had never been to Rome before their last trip to Europe.
He had not read any book when we last saw each other.

Вопросительные предложения:
Had I repaired it when they arrived? Was it OK?
Had he met her before that party last week?
Had we eaten all food before they arrived?
Had they ever been to Rome before their last trip to Europe?
Had he read any new book when we last saw each other?


Мы используем прошедшее совершенное время для действия, которое произошло ДО какого-то действия в прошлом. Это время используется, чтобы конкретизировать, что одно действие случилось до другого события в прошлом.

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Тесты, которые вам понадобятся:

Связанные правила:

Связанные юниты в English grammar in use (Intermidiate). R. Murphy

  • 15

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  1. 5
  2. 4
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  4. 2
  5. 1
(8 голосов, 5 из 5)